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What are the benefits of the birth companion?

What are the benefits of the birth companion?

Childbirth is a time of many sensations for every woman, but some of them are usually: fear, anxiety, nerves for the unknown and of course the pain that in most cases accompany it.

The accompaniment during childbirth is according to some studies in many ways, highly beneficial, on this special occasion it is very important that the mother feels full security and having a companion in most cases is directly the decision of the laboring woman.

Alone or accompanied?

This is a decision to be made during the planning of the birth, although if you decide to be alone it is totally respectable too, remember that it is a unique and unrepeatable moment and although it may seem eternal it is really very fast.

Keep in mind that there are also clinics and hospitals that handle certain policies in this regard and allow only one or no companion especially in public care sites, but that is also part of the planning that you should do before delivery, the place to which to resort to be attended.

The couple is generally the first choice as a companion, expectant parents are eager to see their baby soon and what better company for the mother than the father of her child, it is a great experience for both to be together at this crucial time.

Dad also needs companionship

While it is true that the protagonists are the mother and the baby, the father also needs to be accompanied in a certain way on this day. Nerves and accompanying the mother sometimes make him forget about himself.

Things for which a dad needs to be helped by accompanying the mother while the:

 Take a break in case the labor is prolonged.

 May go to the bathroom, get a snack or just have a coffee.

While filling out forms and authorizations.

Mom benefits much more

There are countless benefits to a mother in labor, but let's just mention a few:

 Greater security in the labor process, some studies reveal that the mother when accompanied, reduces up to 43 minutes the delivery time.

 Emotionally she feels supported which empowers her to bravely receive her baby.

 Having help before, during and after the birthing process provides comfort and security to the mother.

 It is essential for the mother to have help in the first hours after delivery: sitting up, holding the baby, walking and going to the bathroom are things that are better spent if there is someone she trusts to help her.

Having the certainty that there is someone watching the baby while the mother can rest is priceless.

Who can accompany the mother?

First of all, the couple will always be the best option, there are many reasons to prefer them over anyone else. Sharing this type of experience strengthens the bonds of the relationship, in addition to having the experience of seeing the newborn together for the first time is unforgettable for both.

Whether it is a friend, grandmothers, a sister or anyone you trust, it is very important for the woman in labor to have a helping hand or someone who inspires confidence and courage for the wonderful event that is about to take place.

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