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Welcome winter

Welcome winter

And why not? It is a time when we can also go out with our baby for a good walk! It can bring great benefits for both you and your little one. Dare to feel that sunbeam that comes from time to time and do not worry about the wind, for that we have the solution and a series of tips that will surely come as a ring to your finger! Formerly, they recommended that at birth a baby should not be exposed to the air for at least a long time due to the process of strengthening and maturity of the immune system, but over time it has been proven that taking babies for a walk less for an hour a day, it brings great benefits in strengthening the body's defenses, making them stronger against flu infections, possible colds and common diseases. This according to pediatricians. And if it's cold too? The cold will not harm your newborn baby as long as it is well covered, we can put it on a warm item but this will only protect it in the upper part of the body, when placing it in the stroller as much as possible it is that your feet get loose with the movement, it is better to use a stroller bag that allows greater protection from cold and moisture, ensuring that the temperature of the baby is regulated for longer, such as the waterproof coat of Jyoko, If there is any type of irregular drizzle it will protect it Since the bag is made with waterproof materials that will not allow moisture or cold air to pass, in addition to acting as windbreaks, but if you are going to be exposed to lower temperatures we recommend our waterproof jacket, then there is no more excuse For that walk, it will make our day! Our hood is made of a very soft and warm padding, where the baby will be like in mom's belly! Recommendations: In addition to going with his stroller bag, it is convenient that the baby is well warm but not with a lot of clothes, because excessive sweat cools and makes the baby catch a cold, in the cold season it is better to put a layer of clothes to the one that an adult wears, but it has to be comfortable and breathable, hopefully cotton to avoid those annoying skips of the polyester and loose so that you do not limit it in its movement and you can enjoy the ride! The feet, the head and the hands are the places where babies perceive the cold the most, you must ensure that these parts are well sheltered. Try to frequent quiet places free of contamination, visit parks or green areas that allow you to generate a quiet and peaceful environment for your baby, very crowded places lead to the child becoming restless and running the risk of contracting a viral infection.

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