If we take a look at the children around us, whether they are our children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, what do they do most of the day? Children no longer go out to play and run free for hours as previous generations did, now they spend the whole day in front of different screens, a moment on the TV, another on the tablet, then to the mobile.
The World Health Organization recommends at least 60 minutes a day of physical activity, and less than half of the world's population between 9 and 17 years of age complies, we are talking about millions of children who spend their days without even one hour of the 24 hours of the day in movement. The situation is worrying because sedentary lifestyles are linked to chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
But beyond finding reasons why this happens, it is necessary to find solutions. If you are looking for effective ways to get your little one moving, you are in the right place. We'll share with you a couple of foolproof techniques to get your little one moving.
1. Do daily activities on foot or by bicycle.
It has become very common to use the car to travel short distances for convenience, however, if you have the possibility to walk to school, to buy your groceries, or to the park, it is ideal that you make it a habit for you and your little ones.
2. Listen to their interests.
Nowadays life is fast-paced, we have to go from one place to another, and afternoons at the park or in a large backyard are not possible. If your daughter or son is interested in activities such as going to the park, playing a sport, learning martial arts, or dancing, make it a priority and try to make it part of your routine.
3. Set an example.
Sedentary lifestyles are a problem for young and old alike. Children are just a reflection of us, so if they see us constantly spending hours in front of the TV or on the cell phone as a distraction, it is perfectly normal for them to behave in the same way. The fundamental thing is that healthy behaviors are also contagious, so allocate an hour a day to physical exercise and try to involve your little one to encourage him to leave the Tablet.
4. Practice hiking.
For kids who are not so little, being in the same place walking around or going to the gym are not inspiring activities, and what about spending an afternoon in the park. But you can find ways to encourage movement; hiking in naturally beautiful places is often the answer. Having a goal such as reaching the top of a hill, admiring the horizon, or discovering a waterfall is usually exciting, it will be quite an adventure and you can choose easy paths depending on the skills they are gaining.
5. Find a partner.
This can be vital for your little one to leave the video game, at the end of the day we are social beings and what better reason to move than to see a friend. You can make an agreement with the father or mother of a friend of your little one to go for a walk certain days a week, perhaps to attend a sports or dance class.
And if going out gets complicated, let's make technology our ally, there are plenty of applications and websites where you can find games that help us keep moving even within an apartment. Challenges and dance video games are some options for your little one to learn to relate the movement with something fun and good for your life.
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