Oral health is of vital importance for everyone, so from a very young age it is important to educate our kids in the great value of proper oral hygiene, and for this we must be very creative when forming habits of oral hygiene in our kids.
But if your little one gets his first cavity, you must take him to the dentist and many times it is an idea that the little ones do not like very much, and perhaps they do not know or fear what the dentist can do ... but they are fears that are overcome in the first visit to the dentist.
How to find out if there are cavities?
⮚ If your little one complains and feels pain after eating sweets, hot or cold foods and if the sensation of pain is maintained after a while of ingesting such foods or sweets, it is possible that he/she has cavities.
⮚ If you notice small brown, black or white spots, your little one may have cavities.
⮚ Your little one may have a cavity and not feel pain from it. If this is the case then it is more difficult to detect that they have cavities, but if you notice that the tooth becomes yellowish or darker in color, it is possible that they have cavities.
And if there is already a hole in a tooth or molar, the decay is already quite advanced.
How do you explain to your little one the importance of going to the dentist?
The role of parents in the oral education of our children is vital, since from infants we must create habits of good regular dental hygiene. This is achieved by cleaning the gums after every meal before the baby turns one year old. Then when their first teeth come out we must teach them to use a toothbrush suitable for their age.
In the same way we must promote the reciprocity of our little one with the dentist, that we achieve it in the following way:
✔ Take the baby to the dentist as soon as he/she is one year old so that he/she becomes familiar with the periodic check-ups.
✔ Do not generate fears of the dentist with phrases such as "do not eat this or that because if not you have to go to the dentist" generating in the subconscious of the child a negative image of the dentist.
✔ Talk positively about the dentist and the benefits of visiting him/her periodically.
✔ Explain the benefits of visiting the dentist, such as the prevention of dental problems.
✔ Do not use dental visits as a threat or punishment.
Recommendations so that your little one is not afraid to go to the dentist.
✔ Plan to visit the dentist every 6 months.
✔ Take your child to a pediatric dentist or a dentist who knows how to communicate with children and make them feel comfortable in the office.
✔ Provide them with security, go with them and try to be close to them when in the dentist's office, this will give them security.
✔ Remain silent during the visit to the dentist so they can do their job.
✔ When you go to your dentist's office, take them with you so they can see that you do it too.
✔ Never say you are afraid of the dentist.
✔ Don't threaten him or her with the dentist.
If you help your little one to generate the habit of constantly visiting the dentist and motivate them to have a good oral hygiene, we can assure you that going to the dentist with your little one will no longer be a horror story but you can enjoy a nice experience and when your little one is an adult they will thank you.
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