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today we will talk about astrology and fashion

today we will talk about astrology and fashion

Didn't you think we could link these two wonders?

Well, yes, they can be linked and in fact it can be very productive to do so!

When talking about fashion in Astrology there are two issues we can analyse:

The historical evolution of fashion according to the planetary cycles (how fashions change) or the fashion for each person according to the characteristics of their natal chart.

In order to be able to intuit the type of fashion or clothing that a person can benefit from, we have to know in which sign of their birth chart the planet Venus is in.

To explain it better it would be good to explain that: when we are born the SUN is passing through the sign of which we are said to be. But Astrology does not only take the Sun into account when analysing a person. We also take into account the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury... among other celestial bodies and points in space. The map where we can see where each planet, asteroid and so on is called: Natal Chart, and you can calculate it for free at astro.com.

To be able to interpret it is always better to have the advice of a professional, but in this short video I can explain how to do it so that you can see in which sign Venus is in your birth chart and know how you are linked to fashion.

Venus speaks to us about tastes and what benefits that person and makes them feel beautiful. The energy that enhances their enjoyment and beautifies their qualities.

Venus will be in a sign, but it will also be in "relationship or aspect" to other planets in the birth chart, which will give us some nuances that we can also take into account when defining our style.

And now, let's get down to it!

I will very briefly describe each Venus in signs and aspects. When you find your Venus first read the sign: that will be your main Venus. Then read the aspects: those will be the Venus that will give nuance to your main Venus.

Sporty or executive clothing, something that conveys competence and power of action. The cobbled-together, feisty goddess.

Venus in Aries or in Aspect to Mars:

Sporting or executive clothing, something that conveys competence and power of action. The cobbled-together and feisty goddess.

Venus in Taurus:

Comfortable clothes made of good materials. Sensual. The enjoyer, in rhythm with organic nature.

Venus in Gemini or in Aspect to Mercury:

Casual, youthful, colourful clothes. Yellow. The communicator and curious.

Venus in Cancer or in aspect to the Moon:

Soft and feminine, delicate clothing. Pastel colours and white. The protector, nurturer.

Venus in Leo or in aspect to the Sun:

Striking clothes, distinguishing accessories, golden colours. The queen.

Venus in Virgo:

Simple and useful clothes, practical to wear and to wash, adaptable to situations. Correct. In principle she will not like to draw attention to herself. The helpful and practical one.

Venus in Libra:

Clothes that highlight feminine beauty, will always have some beautiful detail. The pleasant one.

Venus in Scorpio or in Aspect to Pluto:

Black clothing, leather, something dark or with some detail that indicates that the person has power and depth. The intense and transforming one.

Venus in Sagittarius or in Aspect to Jupiter:

Ethical, hippie or adventurous clothing. The traveller and philosopher.

Venus in Capricorn:

Sobriety, seriousness, formal and correct clothing. Black, grey and white. The organised boss

Venus in Aquarius:

Eccentricity, something different from others and seeks to distinguish herself by being different from the current. The avant-garde.

Venus in Pisces:

Either she will have some romantic or hippie detail, or she will be fashionable even without being aware of it. The dreamer.

I hope this information has helped you and if you have not yet tried to dress in clothes with the characteristics of your Venus, then take the plunge and find out what happens...!

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