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The world needs more women leaders

The world needs more women leaders

How true can it be that the world needs more women leaders and why?

Throughout my life and career as a professional and entrepreneur I have had the opportunity to experience different points of view and live in different places and cultures that have affirmed my vision of the capabilities that women possess to lead. We play leadership roles in our homes, at school, at work, in our endeavors. Why do we do it well? Because we generally have a purpose in life and transformation. Women have innate capacities such as being protective, guiding and committed to the group we lead. What differentiates us from male leaders? Analyzing women leaders throughout history, most of them have a common denominator and that is the focus on details, teamwork, assertiveness, horizontal leadership and empathy.

Let’s also review the world situation and how the world would benefit from having more women leaders. Well, it is proven that women focus on investing money in the common good, starting at home, our mothers, sisters, aunts have always thought about their homes and how to benefit and improve the quality of life of their families. Women’s leadership is not based on competition but on collaboration in the different environments we work in; the feeling of impacting lives and leaving a legacy in the world makes our approach different and that is what today’s world really needs. Many organizations prefer female leadership to persuade and negotiate efficiently in different projects. Even many online ventures have more credibility when women are the ones who create and lead such projects. The world needs more women leaders because we are better listeners, we are better team players and we feel satisfaction and gratitude when we see the collaborative effort of our groups. Our mind works with emotions that are important in a leader to understand others and achieve the planned objectives in any work.

We continue to strive for important leadership roles that impact, inspire and transform the lives of others, we continue to strive for gender equality and in this field there is still much to achieve. 2020 demonstrated that women were more engaged and showed more positive results in the face of the pandemic. Leaders in health, science and wellness stood out. We adapted better to the changes the world forced us to face and continued to be an example to society by multitasking in home, children, work and business. That is why I congratulate you, woman leader, woman mother, woman entrepreneur who is able to bring a smile at the right time, to turn a negative situation into a positive one and to continue to sound and fight for a better world full of equality, harmony and hope. That is what we stand for, strength, perseverance and discipline. Do not lose heart and continue to be that woman leader that the world out there needs you.

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