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The importance of exercise in children's brain function

The importance of exercise in children's brain function

Motivating our little ones to exercise is essential so that they can develop properly. According to various investigations, when children exercise or perform some physical activity they are promoting brain functions.

In ages between 5 and 18 years old, stressful situations are usually experienced due to the changes that occur at a mental and physical level: social pressures, rules, norms, puberty, etc. That is why maintaining a routine of daily exercises establishing fixed hours to carry them out, is the right thing to generate the habit in the little ones.

It should be borne in mind that children should not perform the same exercises as adults, especially those related to lifting weights, as this will affect growth and will not allow their gross motor skills to develop properly. That is why it is recommended to perform exercises that are appropriate to the child's age.

What exercises should be done when they are under 12 years old?

Those of cardio, motor coordination and the realization of motor circuits where they can overcome obstacles. These exercises are suitable for muscle strengthening and flexibility development. Also doing a sport will be excellent because it will promote discipline and motor skills. Exercising one hour a day will improve cognitive flexibility, concentration, and memory, as well as keeping you physically healthy.

Children need to be active daily to strengthen physical and mental development, in this way we will make our little ones healthier, preventing the risk of childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes. They will be less prone to colds and different respiratory diseases. Sport helps children to sleep more peacefully which enables them to perform much better during the next day.

Other benefits of exercise in children:

- Releases endorphins that promotes the feeling of well-being.

- Improves coordination and balance.

- Increase creativity.

- Strengthens memory and concentration.

- Improves confidence and increases self-esteem.

- Decreases levels of stress and anxiety.

- It encourages discipline, perseverance and perseverance.

- Promotes cooperation and teamwork.

- Helps them interact with their peers, developing social skills and leadership skills.

As parents we must give them the necessary support, guiding them to the activities they must carry out daily and the benefits they obtain, continuously motivating them and praising them for their achievements.

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