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The importance of children's drawings

The importance of children's drawings

For some perhaps they are meaningless scribbles, others see it as a few lines and already, but it is much more than that, since the drawings of the little ones of the house are not simple lines or scribbles, they are the soul of the child embodied in their drawings, because through them the little ones of the house express themselves with adults but it is worth mentioning that many of these are also the inspiration of drawings that are around them as dinosaurs in their car seat covers, raccoons in their hood or hearts in the stroller bag.

Children's drawings are works of art that let us see what is not revealed to the naked eye, as it is considered by professionals as a unique and singular language that goes beyond the words they can mention, expressing in their drawings their thoughts or things they cannot express verbally.

Why is it important?

There are numerous investigations of specialists that indicate the multiple benefits of the drawings of the little ones, because besides being a form of communication transmitting a part of them, they also consolidate their self-esteem, promote sensitivity in the child, improve their psychomotor skills.

It is also considered important because it is a tool that allows discovering the personality of the little ones, since as we have said, besides being a form of fun, it is a form of expression and exploration and in this way the child's learning can be personalized in a significant way.

Benefits of drawing for the little ones

Drawing stimulates in the little ones the understanding of the environment that surrounds them and encourages communication because through them they express with greater autonomy what they can not do with words and provides great benefits to the little ones of the house, among them we can mention the following:

  1. They help the development of psychomotor skills: The simple action of taking a colored pencil regulates and trains the movements of the wrist and hand, thus developing the coordination of movements, perfecting each time the fine motor skills making increasingly detailed and complex drawings.
  2. It favors the emotional and cognitive development: To make their drawings, the little ones must resort to their knowledge, thus activating their brain and stimulating their sense of observation.
  3. Increases their creativity: When drawing, the little ones have no rules to regulate them, only their imagination that flies in an impressive way allowing skies of different colors than blue, flying dogs, triangular fruits, when drawing they simply let their imagination fly developing their creativity.
  4. Improves their self-esteem: By giving freedom to their imagination they are also improving their self-esteem as it consolidates their thinking and form of expression and this helps them to position themselves at their young age feeling respected, loved and valued for their creative representations.
  5. Encourages communication with adults: Since, through drawings, children develop more effectively than through verbal language, because through their drawings they can reflect their mood, their emotions, if they are loved and many other things.

That is why as adults we must promote in a special way that our little ones draw, because as we said at the beginning more than just lines and scribbles, the little ones are leaving their soul, their emotions and feelings in their drawings, which will result in great benefits for them.

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