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Sensory writing. Learning to write through the senses

Sensory writing. Learning to write through the senses

Many times, it becomes a headache to teach and educate the little ones, since it comes, in some moments, to force the child to do what we think can work. However, the child's brain works differently, especially in the early stages. Sensory writing is a technique inspired by María Montessori and helps the child to learn letters in a different way and at her own pace.

Why learn letters through the senses?

It is known by all that the information from our environment is received through the senses, since these elaborate perceptions that contribute to the knowledge processes, which are fundamental both for the development of basic cognitive functions (attention or memory), and for higher cognitive (problem solving, language, creativity and reasoning). For example, the child, when palpating or manipulating, transmits to the brain characteristics of the object, which have to do with the tactile experience, through which he manages to understand it and, in turn, assimilate it in a different way than he would do it. only through sight. When we allow the child to manipulate letters outside the two-dimensional plane, the sensory information that he experiences generates a much more meaningful learning compared to touching a printed letter, which does not convey any tactile information.

How to perform this technique?

According to the María Montessori methodology, it is necessary to work with different textures, which, when touched by the child, allow him to experience sensations of recognition in relation to the object that he is touching. The idea is for the child to outline the letter with the index and middle fingers. The use of these fingers is because, in the future, they will be the ones to use when holding the pencil. In addition, by performing this action, he will learn the movements of the line, retaining them in his memory and thus promoting motivation for learning.

Sandpaper letters

Next, taking the sandpaper letters as an example, we will explain what type of textures you can use and how to make them with homemade materials. Let's get started!

To carry out the letters on sandpaper you will need the following materials:

- Cards of two different colors: one color for the vowels and another for the consonants. For example, pink cards for consonants and blue cards for vowels.

- Scissors to cut the cardboard.

- Sandpaper (if you prefer, you can replace the sandpaper with gold glue)


First, you need to draw the letters on the sandpaper, and then cut them out. Then, you have to stick the consonants on a cardboard, for example, in the pink one, and the vowels in the other, the blue one.

From this idea, you can make sensory letters with any type of material you prefer: you can draw a letter on a cardboard and around it paste, for example, colored paper, sponge, beads, wool, etc. You must make the letter on a smooth base, without any type of relief, so that the child, when palpating it, can focus only on the texture of the letter. It is advisable to start with lowercase or italic letters, depending, also, on taste and interest.

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