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Sandwich technique

Sandwich technique

Have you ever heard anything about the "sandwich technique"? This method, surely not much mentioned, is highly recommended by psychologists to help children achieve positive changes in their behavior. Although its origin is unknown, it is considered a very effective technique to encourage good behavior in children at home. Here we will tell you what it is about.

What is this technique about?

No one, least of all a child, can improve if they are only spoken to negatively: for example, if the child has to change something about his behavior, but only his shortcomings are emphasized, he will most likely repeat the bad behavior.

The "sandwich technique" favors the child, predisposing him to correction and promoting good performance. How we communicate with them is key to achieving effective results during the process. Therefore, we will explain the 3 steps that you must take into account, since they are the main basis of the technique:

1. (First step) Positive reinforcement of the child's behavior - Positive message.

2. (Second step) Request for change - Reflective message.

3. (Third step) Gratitude or praise - Positive message.

Making two positive messages will help the child better receive the reflective message. That is why the slogan that is sought, the correction, the request for change, must be located between the two positive ideas. In this way, in his self-analysis, the child will reinforce the achievements. This technique should be applied just when the child engages in misbehavior, as it will be most effective.

Here are some examples of its use:

1- If the child has not picked up the toys or has not tidied her room, he should not be punished or yelled at, but rather carry out the technique:

- "Know? I am very happy to have a son like you: who likes to collaborate at home (Positive message). And, even if you have not tidied up your room and you have all your toys lying around (Reflective message), I am sure you will do it soon because you are a very collaborative and considerate child (Positive message). "

2- When the child talks with his friends and does not just respect the turns of speech, it is not necessary to emphasize his lack of consideration, but something like:

- “I am very proud of the patience you have; I see that you know how to respect the turns of your classmates (Positive message). But, I think you should be more friendly with them (Reflective message). I know that you are a child with many skills and very kind: I'm sure you can do better, I trust you a lot (Positive message). "

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