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Regulatory Foods

Regulatory Foods

During the time that we are at home, it is important to reflect on the foods that we consume daily, a healthy diet will help our immune system to be strengthened and the necessary vitamins and minerals are acquired for the proper functioning of our body.

Regulatory foods are perfect for healthy eating. These foods are of natural and vegetable origin, such as vegetables, fruits, vegetables and cereals, some foods of animal origin may also be included. When we consume these foods, the body, by absorbing them, contributes water and fiber to our body, essential for proper intestinal function.

Regulatory foods, also known as protective foods for the control that they have in the body's organs, have the function of regulating metabolism and supplying the vitamin deficiencies that the body needs since it is not always capable of producing them in the required amounts. Each person can meet these needs by increasing the intake of these regulatory foods, until balance is reached without using any additional supplement.

These foods, being fundamental in the regulation of metabolism, provide benefits in vision, promote skin health, strengthen bones, facilitate digestion and prevent constipation. Continuous consumption will make us feel healthier, more vital and with a better sense of humor.

Just as children need a healthy diet, it is important that parents promote by example the importance of a healthy diet to avoid overweight and a sedentary lifestyle, eating a lot of sugar and flour can cause heaviness and tiredness in adults. children sugar intake causes over-activity, restlessness and decreased attention and concentration.

To maintain a healthy diet at this stage in which we spend more time at home, we recommend you make a list of all the regulatory foods, identify what are the properties of each one so that you also know how to combine them in your menu, this will allow you to have A detailed planning of what you should buy and thus avoid the temptation to buy unhealthy foods that you do not need, if you have everything in mind, you can make a nutritious and economical purchase.

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