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Recipes you can make with your 12-month-old baby

Recipes you can make with your 12-month-old baby

This quarantine time, we can enjoy making fun recipes with your babies, making the most of it, sharing with the family and enjoying every minute of being with them.
The idea is that your little one acquires a series of learning through experimentation and the discovery of new textures, sensations, which also helps them develop social and cognitive skills. Creating a stimulating environment for the baby where sensations are involved through experiences, where he is given the freedom to explore and discover, will generate a strengthening of cognitive and emotional learning, represented in the structural growth of the brain.
What better way to promote these stimuli, than to allow your little one to be a participant in the creation of their own porridge, where through direct contact with these textures, promote learning and enjoy quality time with their parents.
For this reason Jyoko wants to give you some simple recipes that will help your baby enjoy some delicacies made with his parents ... Let's get started !!
Fruit porridge with yogurt !!
Ingredients: ¼ apple- ¼ pear, ¼ banana and 1 plain yogurt.
Preparation: Wash the fruits very well, peel and cut them into pieces, after that, with the blender or a blender, crush the fruit until it is pureed, when it is ready add the yogurt, mix and enjoy.
In this recipe your child can help wash the fruits in a container, take the banana and on a plastic plate, show him how to crush the banana with a spoon, after finishing, show him how the other fruits are mixed in the mixer or blender, you can also ask him to help you add the yogurt in the porridge, obviously with your help, you can hold his hand so that he grabs the spoon well and also be able to mix, it will be a time where your child will appreciate sharing a different time with you.

Avocado and banana porridge!
An excellent porridge for the child to get used to the textures.
Ingredients: ¼ avocado, ½ banana, two tablespoons of milk.
Chop the fruits well and then crush them with a fork. Milk can be optional, depending on the degree of thickness you want.
Involve the child in the preparation, allowing their hands to manipulate the textures of the food until they are pureed, teach them to mix the ingredients with a spoon and ... Enjoy! .... The banana and the avocado, provide your baby, fiber, folic acid and vitamin B12, C and E
Keep in mind that mealtime should be a pleasant time, not a setback between parents and child, first of all understanding that during the first year of life, the baby's appetite cannot always be anticipated.

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