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Recipes for seven month

Recipes for seven month

The feeding of seven-month-old babies is very similar to that of six-month-old babies, with the difference that you can already supply other foods such as fruits and vegetables. The recommendation of pediatricians is that each day be given a different food, since, at this age, they will develop their tastes according to the supply of food that you are giving, in the same way this exercise allows you to observe the assimilation capacity that your baby has with certain foods

An example is vegetables. You can try some purees on different days, when you have verified that your baby has not had problems assimilating vegetables, you can add a small amount of meat. At this age you can also include foods or cereals that contain gluten, but it is always important that you lean on your pediatrician, so that he indicates to you when it can be given according to the child's physiological needs.
At breakfast you should continue with breast milk or milk with gluten. At lunch you can include vegetables, with peas, pumpkin, carrots, meat, chicken, turkey, about 20 g. For a snack, a fruit porridge is perfect, it can be banana, pear, apple. These meals are important as complementary foods, since breast milk should be their main food.
Thinking of you and your baby, Jyoko wants to share some ideas for you to prepare delicious recipes for your baby.

Let us begin!

Veal puree with vegetables
½ Carrot
½ small zucchini
1 small potato
25 g beef
1 teaspoon of olive oil
Peel and chop all the vegetables and with the olive oil, place them in a saucepan covered with water, let them cook for 15 minutes and add the veal, leaving it to cook for five more minutes. Then the olive oil is added, crushing everything until it is pureed and enjoyed.

Lamb puree with rice and green beans.
30g of rice
½ Leek
½ ripe tomato
1 handful of green beans
25 g of lamb
Remove the skin and the seeds of the tomato, wash the green beans and cut them into large pieces, then boil the vegetables together with the lamb for about 20 minutes, while you cook the rice apart, when everything is ready, just stir the ingredients, shred them and you're done.

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