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Newborn Care

Newborn Care

A newborn needs special care due to the vulnerability and fragility with which he is born, his bones are weak and he needs an adequate way to carry them. This care is especially focused on his neck and head because his bones are much softer.

The cranial bones of an adult are rigid to protect the brain from any blow, but not in babies, theirs are separated by soft spaces called fontanelles. There is the superior fontanel, which is located between the forehead and the crown, and the posterior one, which is between the crown and the nape, the fontanelles are strengthened or closed between the age of 12 to 18 months, these are the ones that allow proper brain growth.

The head of a newborn baby should measure about 35 cm in circumference. The control of their neck and head is minimal, since the neck muscles are not yet developed to support the weight of the head, so it is necessary that when carrying them it is adequately supported with the forearm of the caregiver to such an extent that the head The baby remains firm and does not move from one side to another, no sudden movements should be made and when lifting them from a surface, the head should be supported from the nape of the neck for greater support.

The safety of the baby's neck should always be present when going for a walk or at home. The help of the reducer will be very practical when it comes to being in the car seat, or in the stroller, since it supports the head and the body to avoid injuries during the movements that are carried out. It adapts very well to the baby's silhouette, collecting the body and the head in a stable way, allowing the adjustment of the head according to the height.

The postures in which the child is placed must be taken care of when being on one side for a long time, since this type of prolonged positions can flatten certain areas of the head due to the flexibility that the bones have, for this reason it is advisable to change your posture at bedtime.
The muscles of the neck, the back will be strengthened as time and with its growth, where it can be supported with stimuli generated at home so that you gain strength, firmness and control of your body.

Placing him face down to try to lift his head will strengthen the muscles of the spine and neck for better balance.

Supporting your head on the caregiver's shoulders will help you firm up as your muscles gain strength. Likewise, placing your back on the lap of the caregiver and your head lying down, will also be a good way to stimulate him to have greater control of his neck, head, strengthening his spine.

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