Children learn very quickly everything they are taught, their way of understanding things is not the same way an adult understands. They learn from innocence, so they will believe in every word they are told.
For example, if you tell a child that a man dressed in red will come on Christmas night to leave a present under the tree, your child will believe it, the same goes for everything else.
The way you illustrate the events, the truths you affirm and above all the feelings you show when you tell him/her things, will have an unimaginable relevance for your child in how to face what an adult tells him/her.
If you tell him that needles do not hurt at all with a frightened face, believe me you are not very reliable for your little one, or if you tell him that the medicine is delicious while you wrinkle your face, he will not believe you for sure.
Always speak the truth without exaggerating.
Something that human beings appreciate is honesty, and we are sure that your little one will love to know that you are telling the truth. Especially if it's about real issues that he or she will have to face at some point.
There are ways in which you can show truths and values without being so dramatic and with which you could get more benefit to address various issues, in this case we offer suggestions for you to explain to your children what surgeries are all about.
Everything adds up, nothing is superfluous.
It is likely that, on TV, on the Internet or through a family experience they have already had an idea of what a surgery is, but when the surgery is for your child or a very close relative it is important to explain the situation adequately.
Our suggestions are:
- Take the time to explain calmly: with children the rush is fruitless, usually surgeries are planned which gives us a reasonable time to explain to our little ones what surgeries are, their importance and their benefits.
- Use some resources to help him/her: the child will understand better if for example you tell him/her a story where someone needs to be operated, you can also familiarize your little one with toys allusive to a doctor, the game is important because it teaches them something serious in a fun way.
- Do not dismiss their fears and pain: when facing a medical appointment with surgery diagnoses it is possible that the infant may feel fear of the unknown, never tell him not to be afraid, on the contrary, help him to recognize his feeling and validate it through understanding.
- Do not use the doctor, injections or medications to threaten: phrases such as if you misbehave I will take you for an injection, if you do not eat you will get sick and they will give you medicine. This kind of phrases do not help at all, these topics should be natural, used in the required occasions, not to scare.
Our little ones are as brave as we want them to be, let's not promote their fears or misconceptions about common topics such as surgeries, besides you don't know if you have the next best surgeon at home.
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