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Guide to establish routines in children

Guide to establish routines in children

Within the parenting process, it is important to know how to establish routines in children that allow them to generate habits for their emotional balance and for the formation of their personality and character, by repeating actions and making them part of daily life, they allow the child be clear about what they must do at every moment of the day, learning the value of the organization in their daily life, training them under responsibility, autonomy and commitment.
How to start establishing routines at home?
Being constant, understanding the importance of the schedules and moments in which these routines should be established, not demanding with rigidity, but motivating with discipline and example.
Steps to establish routines:
1. Establish primary routines such as hygiene, food, school tasks, recreation. These activities must be carried out under specific schedules and continuously so that the child learns them.
2. The other tasks that they want to add during the week can be planned together with the child, where the hours and days to be carried out are specified, this will generate a greater commitment and sense of belonging to their tasks.
3. Be part of your child's routines. Getting involved and being part of them in a positive and dynamic way allows the child to want to repeat them with joy, keeping in her memory the experience of what she shared with you.
4. Set limits, but in a positive way and with dialogue. It is normal for children to want to skip a rule or an order from time to time, although you have to be patient, it is important to be firm, so that the child learns and forms the habit.
5. For school or home routines, you can make a table with the child where these activities can be observed in a logical and clear order.
6. Place the table of routines in a place where the child can easily observe them, it is important that you supervise him so that each activity is done in the order indicated.
7. Establish routines from a very young age to allow greater ease of adaptation by establishing new routines as they grow, achieving the ability to execute them more easily.
8. Bear in mind that sometimes certain routines will not be able to be executed due to some unforeseen event that occurs, but nothing happens, if this happens, the child will also learn to adapt to unforeseen events and sudden changes.

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