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Gestural language in infants

Gestural language in infants

Surely you are dying of anxiety to discover how to communicate with your baby, seeing his face for the first time, besides being an incomparable emotion, it will also be gratifying to be able to understand him by deciphering his gestural language. Imagine how wonderful it will be to understand him just by looking at him!

Many are the doubts that invade parents about how to understand their children, but there is nothing to worry about, since practicing the language of love and applying these simple tips will help you find out your baby's basic needs.

Infants are discovering the world for the first time and their parents are unveiling themselves as first-timers, so being prepared will give you certain advantages. But all is not set in stone, and you should know that there are delightful surprises on the wonderful journey of parenthood.

To dabble in the expressive language of the child, undoubtedly represents a learning process that will help you to strengthen the emotional bond and will make your day to day life more pleasant.

How to understand babies' sign language

Communicating with the favorite person in a non-verbal way will be fundamental for their social development, supporting language and early skills.

Some research reveals that children develop their sign language between 6 and 9 months, thus supporting preschool language skills. However, from the womb, mothers can already tell when they are hungry through their movements and even observe how they react to external factors such as music, cold or heat, thus initiating communication.

Newborns can even recognize their parents' voices, initiating cognitive communication. Connecting with them goes beyond cooing, kisses, caresses and affectionate words expressed to them; understanding how your child feels before a world they are just discovering and experiencing constant learning will be decisive for their future.

Tips for understanding some reactions

● Little ones are born cold since they were 9 months in mom's womb; so the first few days you should make sure to keep him well wrapped up to prevent him from feeling impassive.

● Hunger and colic should be included in the language, detecting that the crying is different. Discomfort in his tummy may cause him to deprive himself of crying because of the pain.

● It will also be interesting to experience the magic of seeing faces of joy and reassurance at mommy and daddy's kisses and caresses.

● Many children's gestures begin to develop at 9 months and occur around the reactions of others. At that age they should be able to pick up some object and give it away, splash during bath time, shake their head to say no, among other things.

In short, learning to identify when they like or dislike something is not a difficult task, since the expression on their face is the most genuine that can exist.

Connect naturally

Enjoy every moment with that new being, holding them in your arms and showering them with kisses!

A positive attitude will make the adventure of parenthood sublime. Charge yourself with good vibes and keep fears away will allow you to live a constant learning experience; for this it is key that the mother enjoys emotional health and that she is in an appropriate environment.

Letting everything flow naturally, echoing the most authentic language born of love, will help parents understand many of their children's reactions spontaneously.

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