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Games to strengthen family unity

Games to strengthen family unity

Games to strengthen family unity.

Family games are not only a lot of fun, it is proven that they establish bonds of family unity, being part of the best memories of our lives, where laughter, learning and healthy competition are present.

During 2020 the world faced one of the most difficult moments in history, where confinement was present and many families spent long hours without knowing what to do?

Although life has been taking its normal course, the pandemic time brought us many lessons and showed us that we are vulnerable, and that we do not know when we will have to be confined again.

Family is better

Especially when we have little ones at home, family games are a very good option for vacation afternoons, holidays or Christmas and New Year holidays.

Let's remember that for the correct development of our children it is necessary that they enjoy hours of games, and what better way than to be their companions in their adventures. Secure attachment with children is not only fostered through care, but also through play.

Every time a child says I'm bored, it is a wonderful opportunity to approach and initiate the most fun games in which we are sure, they will have fun and grow as a family, turning a moment of leisure into the most extraordinary family experience.

Playing is learning

One of the most valuable lessons is usually learned while playing and who has not heard the phrase "the important thing is not to win, but to compete"? And especially when it comes to playing, we all become children.

It is important that you can choose the right games to reinforce family togetherness, you should choose games that:

a)     Involve all family members.

b)     Adapt to the ages of the players.

c)     Do not end up becoming boring and endless.

We can mention some options that may interest you.

1) The Jenga game: this game, besides being fun, will allow you to keep your concentration, think creatively and have precision in your movements

2) Monopoly: if you want to teach your kids about economics, transactions and savings, this is a super entertaining game that guarantees hours of fun.

3) UNO: this game that attracts young and old can be used to encourage concentration, agility and cunning when they have to shout UNO!

4) Scrabble or letter game: a very good way to learn spelling and word variety is through this fun game.

     5) Outdoor games: ball, hide and seek, running, swimming (a good game of water polo) could be good options to share as a family.

     6) Chinese checkers: it is a classic game, it is fun and it also encourages deductive thinking.

     7) Mime game: here you could stop for hours if there are many in your family you can divide into two teams, and have fun.

It is very important that you take into account that life changes from one moment to another and that everything you do today are tomorrow's memories, try to create beautiful memories.

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