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Frustration tolerance

Frustration tolerance

Teaching to tolerate frustration is an aspect that must be treated with great tact during childhood, teaching our little ones to understand that things do not always go the way we want, is essential in this process.

Frustration goes hand in hand with anger and anger that, when not handled properly, triggers a series of inappropriate behaviors that can be manifested in any stressful situation or task that is being carried out.

Characteristics of children with a low tolerance for frustration:

-Children will seek to satisfy their immediate needs, being very demanding in the face of what they require, having little flexibility in the face of changes, suffering from anxiety and little motivation before daily activities.

-They present sudden emotional changes, they can be very happy, but from one moment to another they have a bad temperament.

-They throw things, they scream, they throw themselves to the ground.

-They ask for things in a bad way, they demand and want everything now.

These symptoms can be corrected or prevented from a very young age by establishing rules and limits that must be followed with discipline, not always giving them everything they ask for at the time they want, saying "no" even if this causes them discomfort and not being accessible to tantrums or tantrums Only in this way will they understand that you do not always win or have everything you want.

Frustration is a feeling that occurs with greater intensity in the first years of life but decreases as children adapt to the rules established at home.

Characteristics of children with a high tolerance for frustration:

-They obey the orders given by the parents without throwing tantrums.
-They do not give up easily to things that go wrong, but they try whenever necessary.

-When you want to say something to them, no matter how much they are not interested, they listen and remain silent.

-When they go to parents, it is not difficult for them to wait for a few minutes to be seen.

-If they make a mistake or something does not go well, they do not cry or scream and if they do it is for only a few seconds.

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