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fashion as a vindictive and subversive act

fashion as a vindictive and subversive act

It is a fact, the catwalks and fashion serve to position messages, give something to talk about, generate social debates, so it is not an industry that turns a blind eye to the problems of the moment. In the last few weeks at the MET GALA there was a stir in the face of messages associated with: gender equality, feminism, taxes, even the conflict in the Middle East.

From the criticized and commented dress of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez that says ‘tax the rich’, to Kim Kardashian’s total black outfit, fashion is the vehicle to position slogans.

Many consumers even buy driven by the philosophies of different brands, by their values and by the causes they support – or don’t support. Fashion is often the loudspeaker that minorities use to comment and bring important messages to the forefront.

Here’s a look at the causes that the world’s leading fashion houses have brought to the table in their latest collections:

Jeremy Scott: boycott fake news

Scott, at the helm of Moschino, gave pause to the brand’s multicolor palette to leverage the message in the black and white tones of the shades of the world’s printed newspapers, using white letters on black garments as headlines that signal tragedy, scandal or chaos, alluding to the most searched terms on the web product of everything that is done on the network for a click. The designer wanted to put the magnifying glass on this delicate subject, disinformation and the abuse of fake news to generate anxiety and opinion matrixes.

DIOR: Sisterhood is global

Feminism and sisterhood are here to stay, beyond a trending topic, gender equality is the central theme of the recent collections of the firm DIOR, which has used the latest catwalks to position activists, artists, singers, writers and craftswomen.

Gucci: My body my choice

The most obvious way to vindicate the right of women to decide what to do with their bodies is to put on a dress the whole female reproductive system, transgressive and very obvious. Gucci tries to make a rather punk gesture, especially at the time they did it. Alessandro Michelle, the brand’s director, has devoted himself to using his catwalk as a space to talk about what matters and sets trends, beyond imposing styles.

But if we talk about rebellious designers, punks and with a pro-human rights philosophy, pro ecology, environment and minorities, the queen is Vivianne Westwood, known for the iconic looks of Sex and the city, the designer puts her catwalks at the service of those who need it most, knowing that her clothes and her parades generate centimetraje in traditional press and headlines on the internet, she is very clear on how to mobilize that attention to just causes.

Tell us, what do you think about this issue, do you think fashion should be separated from controversy and debate, do you use garments with messages for activism?

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