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Dermatilomania, my little one scratches and hurts himself

Dermatilomania, my little one scratches and hurts himself

In general, children scratch when they feel they have a pimple, some of them because of bites, do not tolerate the itching and scratch, but there is a percentage of children who may suffer from strong attacks known as Dermatilomania.

It is the need to scratch or rub strongly, sometimes even getting injured, causing what is called scabbing. This to some extent can be fatal, since in some cases the lesions can become infected and cause major health problems.

Learn more about it here.

This type of diagnosis is in the group of diagnoses categorized as OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders and encompasses a variety of psychiatric disorders or conditions such as:

⮚ Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

⮚ Body dysmorphic disorder.

⮚ Hoarding disorder.

⮚ Trichotillomania.

⮚ And the aforementioned dermatillomania.

Its most frequent characteristics are the appearance of repetitive behaviors or compulsions, which sometimes are reflected as normal, but fall into the obsessive such as washing, controlling, ordering, counting repeatedly.

People with body dysmorphic disorder check their image over and over again in front of the mirror, or obsess about their personal hygiene, while people with hoarding disorder feel the desire to acquire objects in excess and keep them.

On the other hand, those who suffer from trichotillomania may pull their hair so often that they may suffer from localized alopecia and, as we have already mentioned, dermatillomania makes them feel uncontrollable desires to pinch or scratch themselves.

How do sufferers feel?

These disorders are often accompanied by distressing thoughts, although it is believed that trichotillomania or dermatillomania do not experience these obsessive thoughts.

Repeated pinching of the skin can cause lesions, the person may feel tension, anxiety and in response to that pinching relieves the sensation they feel and when trying to avoid it, they feel distressed for not being able to control it.

Usually this disorder begins in adolescence, but it does not exempt children from suffering it, being women in certain percentage the most affected.

Symptoms to recognize.

We can recognize a child suffering from this disorder if:

We constantly observe that they scratch, rub or touch their skin and scalp.

They try to hide the wounds they cause themselves and avoid you checking them.

Their mood is irritable most of the time.

They present episodes of anxiety or depression we can observe changes in their behavior.

They will avoid any type of social exposure where they feel exposed.

What can I do to help him/her?

Scolding the little one will not prevent them from repeating the action, the help they require in the first instance is understanding and appropriate medical intervention with which will come the treatment they need.

Suggestions for timely help are very simple:

  1. Medical evaluation, under specific criteria will give an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will determine taking into account:

The child pinches to the point of skin damage.

The child, even if he/she tries, does not stop pinching or at least spends hours thinking about it, this causes anxiety.

His life begins to change because of this.

  1. Help with cognitive behavioral therapy, habit reversal or habit elimination will help him to be aware of his habits.
  2. Help your little one identify the situations that trigger this behavior so you can look for solutions together.
  3. Look for and use strategies that will help your child replace his or her behavior.

Remember that observing and understanding our children's processes is the best way to prevent, and accompanying them while they go through difficult situations will help them overcome them quickly.

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