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Changes in Babies at Two Months of Age

Changes in Babies at Two Months of Age

Despite the fact that very little time has passed since its birth, at this age significant physical and cognitive changes can already be seen, with some different behaviors and behaviors that characterize it being noticeable.

Next, we will tell you what those changes are.

Physical changes:

-Within the changes presented is his growth and weight gain that cannot be ignored, since at this age he can gain up to a kilo more looking much larger, the baby can increase in size up to 3cm in measure.

-The muscles are getting much stronger, if you turn upside down you will be able to raise your head holding it for only a few seconds, managing to support your arms with a little firmness. The baby will move his hands and feet, although he does not yet control his movements well and he will see much more force when moving his limbs.

Facial expression:

If the features are detailed, their face and eyes are more expressive, giving small smiles as a reflection of any emotion that the child has or any tone of voice heard that he likes, especially when it is emitted by his parents and relatives.


Here he begins to make small noises with his lips and babbles, he is more attentive to the sounds or noises he hears, shaking his hands and feet in an agitated but calm way, depending on the type of sound.


The visual part of him is more developed, he follows objects in movements from side to side, at a distance of 20 cm. Perfect age to stimulate visual tracking by means of rattles that move from left to right that will help to sharpen the child's ability to focus.


The changes will also be reflected in your sleep, it will be very normal for you to stay awake for much longer, making the care days a bit strenuous for the parents, at night you will sleep much more than during the day, but you will wake up several times at night to eat.


In her feeding area, she has improved suction considerably, as she instinctively identifies the feeding to be made for each breast, taking each one only 10 minutes for each feeding, in the same way, the production of breast milk will be adjusted to the nutritional needs of the little one.


-When the baby is going to cost at night, it is recommended to lie on his back without any type of pillow, be careful with the covers that do not cover his face and manage a suitable temperature in the room. It is better to put them to bed with sleeping bags.

-The child is growing and is advancing in its development, which makes it essential to have the appropriate care, such as having the vaccines up to date, giving them sun baths daily trying not to be between 11 am to 4 pm, since the sun's rays are much stronger at this time. It is also important to make periodic visits to the pediatrician to control its development and growth, following the recommendations given for better care.

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