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Basic Tips for New Parents

Basic Tips for New Parents

During the birth of a child, we know very well how difficult the postpartum process can be and all the care that a baby demands as a new parent. That is why in this post we will give some basic recommendations that will help you understand this process a little more.

Avoid moments of stress:

-Avoid situations that can become stressful, for example, when you want to change the diaper but you do not have the things you need ready, nor are they at hand. That is why when it comes to changing the diaper, everything must be prepared before changing it, so the task will be much simpler, it must be foreseen not to turn the baby's back at any time to pick up something that is missing, likewise at the time of the bathroom, it is necessary to leave everything ready before doing any type of activity with the child.


-Understanding the baby's sleep and adapting it to the schedules requires a lot of patience. A newborn can sleep from 16 to 18 hours, these are divided between 6 to 8 hours in the day and 10 hours at night, this dream is not always consecutive, since it usually wakes up sometimes to eat, in addition to the times The baby's sleep is also consistent with the comfort they present with their nightwear and in their crib with their blankets.

-When you leave home and if you are asleep, if possible, your sleep should not be interrupted, but you should choose to try to be always comfortable and warm, with a suitable temperature that allows you to be calm and comfortable.

-The bags for carrycot are a very good option since it protects them from the cold and the wind, their materials are hypoallergenic and very soft to the touch.


-The baby's stomach is very small at birth, so the intakes are 10 ml no more, as the weeks go by they will go to 60 ml for each dose.

Belly button:
-The navel is an important issue that must also be taken into account in the newborn as a fundamental part of daily care, although it usually falls for two or three weeks after birth, precautions must be taken to avoid infections. For this reason, it is better that the navel area is always dry and very clean, when changing the diaper, it should be cleaned very carefully with warm water, using a towel or a suitable cloth.

-You must have the navel uncovered while falling, avoiding the rose of the diaper and clothing. The belly button will naturally fall off, so nothing should be done to make this happen.

Baby's stool at birth:

Finally, and something that is usually given a lot of relevance, is the appearance of the stool, which some parents worry about, here is a brief explanation.

The baby's stools are somewhat dark in color, more in the first days, then they clear up being much more brown and sometimes turn green, so this change should not worry since this occurs because of the intestinal maturation that goes on obtaining during the first months of age.

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