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7 benefits of the Montessori method

7 benefits of the Montessori method

The Montessori method, popularized in recent years for its high efficiency in the cognitive and sensory development of children, is a method that establishes certain guidelines for the work during the daily life of the child.

Its main characteristic is that it provides an environment totally thought and prepared to promote in a natural way all that is socialization, respect, solidarity and empathy from the order of the spaces, which are aesthetically ordered and designed for it.

Purposes in the use of the Montessori method

The purpose of this educational method is to explore and unleash the potential of each infant, so that he/she can develop him/herself within a structured environment.

It arises from the idea of helping the young child to obtain an adequate integral development, achieving the highest level of their physical, intellectual and spiritual capacities.

It is a method of work with scientific bases that are related to everything that is the physical and psychic development of the children. In this method it is not the adult teaching but collaborating, so that skills and abilities are developed through free work accompanied by didactic material.

1. Promotes individual and personalized learning

Thinking that each child follows his own pace and can develop the tasks of their choice, Montessori activities are designed for individual execution, so they do not contain instructions or orders so that each child can self-correct, an example is the basket to store their toys, teaching them to keep their stuffed animals, legos and dolls in one place when they finish playing.

2. It is designed to stimulate children's creativity

Its central theme is the active role of the child in learning, so each educational activity is adapted to the developmental pace of each child. Therefore, creativity and thinking are stimulated, leading children to discover their environment by themselves and to assimilate knowledge.

3. Supports freedom of movement

This method understands the need of each child to move, knows that in the free movement they learn to know the world around them and bets on the freedom to move, explore, run and move as they please.

4. The child is encouraged to move towards self-discipline

As there are no rules or orders, the child draws its own rules, which leads to better develop their social skills and coexistence, by itself is encouraged to work for personal goals and work in an orderly community.

5. Playing is learning

Through play the little ones can learn a lot, this method works directly with sensory stimuli, using various games, most of them in a variety of materials that allow the child to experience textures, colors, sounds, such as the play mat.

6. They relate learning to play

Montessori toy packs not only give them a sensory experience but also a cognitive one, they will discover arts, sciences and basic skills through play and best of all they encourage order and neatness, Montessori establishes a way of storing toys in baskets through a systematic classification.

7. Fine and gross motor skills are stimulated

One of the guidelines is that through the handling of Montessori toys the child can practice their motor skills and strengthen their weaknesses through free play, their learning is linked to the ability to have fun, express themselves and understand what is happening in their environment.

It is wonderful to see a child develop fully by doing what children love to do most... play!

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