According to studies, this stage is considered the age of sociability. It is named for the increased need for care that the baby experiences by wanting to feel accompanied most of the time. This happens because the baby begins to become more aware of the importance of having people around, appreciating more the company of parents and caregivers without wanting to be alone for a single minute.
Other features:
-At this age, the muscles become stronger and the baby manages to perform greater movements and continuously. Her upper and lower extremities have developed greater skill and firmness. She begins to try to turn on her bed until she turns, succeeding several times on a surface.
-When placed face down, she raises her head upright supporting it and keeping it steady for much longer. Every day she strengthens all her muscles, wanting to sit up and trying to lift herself forward.
-At 4 months she is much more curious and will want to grab everything that is around her. What he manages to grasp he squeezes with great force holding it with precision, each time he strengthens his hands and fingers.
-She will learn to pass things from one hand to another with better coordination. It would be very normal to see him lift her feet towards her head, trying to catch them with his hands to bring them to his mouth just like her little hand.
-Significant evolutionary changes occur in the development of the baby as in the vision, she will identify some colors, objects, analyzing and observing them, increasing the time of concentration before the fixation of a specific object.
-She will recognize some sounds and some songs, when listening to the voice of the parents she will not be able to avoid reacting to the emotion, strongly shaking her legs and arms with continuous movements, her eyes will open and they will give a few smiles.
-She is very curious about what she hears, observes and feels, her perception increases, and her visual manual coordination improves, it will be very normal to see things being put in her mouth as a means of exploration and recognition of her surroundings .
-Perform activities that allow them to interact with objects of different textures so that they can touch them and feel different sensations. It will be of great benefit to stimulate the nervous system and its sensory area, that information received will be stored in its memory as sensations and experiences before the use of touch and its senses, facilitating the assimilation and adaptation of its habitat in the baby. Likewise, it will stimulate your attention and the channeling of your senses in a single objective.
-Sleep is a subject that cannot be overlooked, since it is a vital part for any baby, sleeping enough will help you regain energy and that the information received during the day is retained and stored properly in your brain. A 4-month-old baby should sleep 8 to 10 hours at night and take 3 to 4 naps during the day. If the baby does not get enough sleep during the night, it is necessary to analyze the cause or visit a trusted pediatrician.
4-month-old baby and its characteristics.
March 11, 2021
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